Obsolete Vampire The Masquerade - Redemption Any% Speedrun in 46 47 RTA
Redemption takes multiple hours to finish, without glitches, and just over three quarters of an hour using them
Speed Run[]

Celerity speed blur, before Shape of the Beast is acquired
Probably the first kind of challenge invented for games, if not 100% Completion. Uncomplicated in principle. Get good at it, do it faster. However, in practice, nowadays players are so advanced at this that the only way to get faster is discover bugs in the game that cut out sections of the game, which can be very complicated.
Celerity plus Shape of the Beast is faster than Celerity alone.
Cloak of Shadows
There are out of bounds tricks in Redemption, all of which seem to rely on the "drop item through a barrier" glitch.[1]
- Main article: Bug
There is one trick, a refinement of the AI disabling recommended elsewhere, that could easily be a part of any but the most "legit" players' games. Anywhere requiring a lot of backtracking, such as when going to see Josef Zvi, station an ally at the entrance with their AI turned off, run the active character to the end and complete the task, switch to the inactive character and zone through to the next area. The previously active character will of course be teleported as well. See it at 14:20 of 46:47 on Tionic#2's Speedrun
100% Completion[]
Do everything. Not very difficult in Redemption, mostly means knowing both of the secret panels, in Tunnels and Tower. You could extend this to seeing all the dialogue choices. The skill that guides are made for.
Low Level[]
- LL : The very lowest level that the player can or is willing to keep their characters. This is pretty much what the fastest speed runners do also.
Bosses always give lots of XP.
No Item[]
- NI
No Tome[]
No Potion[]
No Heals and/or no shop blood or no blood packs at all
No Feed[]
The most overpowered skills first: Firestorm, Theft of Vitae, Awe.
Utilitarian ones later if at all. Celerity is a big aid to combat and it can be used to evade combat altogether in a very exploitative way, but it doesn't have to be
Initial Equipment[]
- IE is the equipment that characters have already on them
Every one of your characters is an essential character. Ignore them being resurrected next combat. Hardcore means starting the whole game over if you die. If there is an advantage to this that is not found in the normal game challenge of noting one's mistakes and striving to be better, it is not apparent.
Just for fun